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July 2024

April 19, 2008

More on Inkscape + DXF

Filed under: Machining,Software — Bob @ 9:16 am

I wrote a few days ago about my work on a better DXF export module for Inkscape. I was using it again today for my upcoming CNC milling efforts and found a few bugs plus added another feature.

There is a bug in Inkscape’s simpletransform.py when it attempts to handle transformations of scale, rotate, etc.

I also improved my own exporter and added a feature that creates POINT entities instead of LINE entities for objects on layers that end in the word “drill”. SheetCam uses POINT objects for drilling and I didn’t have an easy way to create them. There really isn’t a way to turn this behavior off (other than not end your layer names with “drill” so if you end up using this extension, be aware of this). It works best with small rectangles because it will compute the center point of the path bounding box as the location for the POINT. I just create small rectangles the same size as my drill hole.

I also corrected the list of dependencies in the better_dxf_output.inx file.

For anyone who is interested, visit this page to download all of the required files.


  1. […] (I’ve updated these files in this post) […]

    Pingback by random scribblings»Blog Archive » DXF export from Inkscape — April 19, 2008 @ 9:17 am
  2. […] step is to go to another post on BobandEileen.com, right click on the two .py files (”simpletransform.py” and […]

    Pingback by Using Inkscape for CNC Designs and DXFs | Interesting Tech Projects | BritishIdeas — September 15, 2008 @ 9:13 pm
  3. U made my day. Need it for my cnc project. I spent hours looking for picture to dxf conversion. even thought to program it myself…started thinking about algoritm to use, printed on paper some dxf language specification….

    Comment by albinas — September 19, 2008 @ 1:48 pm

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