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January 2025

October 15, 2006

Hockey 2006/2007

Filed under: Hockey — Bob @ 7:58 pm

Vancouver Canucks

The new hockey season is well under way, promising many exciting games. We attended the Canucks home opener against the San Jose Sharks last Friday night. The score sounded much worse than it was (we lost 4 – 6) but it was an exciting show right up to the end.

We have new seats this year, opposite end of the rink from our seats last year but ten rows closer to the ice. We look down over Roberto Luongo in the first and third period, which means we get to see some really great goalie work. Overall we’re pretty happy but would really like to see a few wins…

The team is quite different this year, only nine players continue from last season. And much of the team comes up from the Manitoba Moose, same as the new coach Alain Vigneault. It’s like we have an AHL team playing in the NHL, and boy did they look like it on Friday night – the Sharks ran circles around them.

Fortunately there are seventy-plus games to go, and they didn’t look that bad on Friday. Tomorrow night is another home game, this time against Edmonton. Should be fun to watch, especially if they pull it together and play like the same team that played smart and fast hockey to open the season with a win in Detroit.

1 Comment

  1. Salt on the wound about Detroit, Bob. Salt on the wound.

    Comment by Jamie — October 24, 2006 @ 4:54 am

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