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December 2024

January 12, 2008

New Minisumo

Filed under: Machining,Robots — Bob @ 4:27 pm

Brass WheelsI’ve started work on a new minisumo robot. Unlike all of my other projects, this one is a collaboration between a Danish fellow and myself. He and I have never met in person but we found a common interest in building a new, faster design via the online forum Minisumo.Org.UK.

My first part (the brass wheels) is now complete and I’ll be sending them through the mail to my collaborator. He has already finished his first part (aluminum side panels) and sent them to me. It has been very interesting to build a robot this way, we’ll see how it comes out when we are done.

Since this is a collaborative project I decided to document my machining in greater detail than I’ve done in the past for The Thin Man. I wanted to create a “photo tutorial” that would be simple enough for anyone with a little machining experience could follow and create their own parts for this same minisumo design. Feedback about whether this captures enough detail for you to make your own parts is welcome. Any future parts I make will also be documented in a similar way, making it easy for people to “clone” my work if they would like to.


  1. I’m interested to know how you drilled the holes in the wheels, was it just a case of accurate marking out and careful drilling?

    Comment by Andy from Workshopshed — August 31, 2008 @ 7:40 am
  2. Hi Andy, thanks for the link! Your guess is correct, I simply mapped out the drill locations on paper first.

    Comment by Bob — August 31, 2008 @ 9:02 am
  3. […] stumbled across this example of how you can drill radial holes without the need for a rotary table, as far as I can tell it’s just a case of mathematics and […]

    Pingback by Drilling radial holes and CNC | Workshopshed — October 24, 2013 @ 3:39 am

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